
DVG - Warfighter Vietnam

Created by Dan Verssen Games

DVG's Warfighter Solitaire Game System Charges into the Jungles of Vietnam!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Games are being printed!
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 10:44:10 AM

The digital proofing completed a few weeks ago, now the physical paper proofing has been completed, there is only 1 last proofing that needs to be completed, then the games will be printed and shipped for about 1 month before they get here. So, you can expect games to be in stock and shipping out here by end of April!

8 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 11:38:44 AM

I am extremely happy to announce that files will be sent to the Printer by end of day today! 

There will be a review period where DVG receives Electronic proofs, then physical proofs, then here in approximately April games will arrive at our Warehouses to be quickly sent off to the backers, then Distributors. 

The Backerkit is live now and will be up for the next few months in the case you want to add some Expansions to your Pledge :)

Thank you for helping to fund the first Warfighter game I have been the Design Lead of, and I hope you enjoy the final product!

-Kevin Verssen

9 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 10:08:17 AM

Should send files in a week or so!